"LIFE" means life

Restoration of unmanaged land in valuable natural locations in the Central Bohemian Uplands (České Středohoří), intensification of care for selected species of animals or plants, and support for traditional forms of farming in a total area of 277 ha. In addition, attractive awareness-raising events and programmes for the lay and professional public; these are the main objectives of the LIFE České Středohoří project, which was launched in 2017 by the Nature Conservation Agency, the regional office of the Administration of České Středohoří Protected Landscape Area. The six-year project will bring measures worth over 60 million CZK to the unique North Bohemian landscape.



Treasures of the České středohoří

The thermophilous habitats of the České středohoří are among the species-richest and most naturally valuable communities. Their grasslands have evolved and in the past were maintained by traditional forms of small-scale farming, such as livestock grazing, especially sheep and goats, or mowing. Due to the gradual decline of these activities, they are currently overgrowing with woody plants and gradually disappearing. In recent decades, thermophilous forest habitats have been degraded by planting only a small number of forest trees species, including geographically non-native.

The degradation and destruction of thermophilous habitats in the České středohoří also caused a reduction in the population of several rare plant and animal species protected by European Union legislation: green lizard, a speargrass species (Stipa zalesskii), eastern pasqueflower, Jersey tiger, a locust species (Stenobothrus eurasius bohemicus), and lady's slipper orchid.

This is what the project aims to change.



Main aims of the project


Project sites

The project is implemented in 19 sites in the central part of the České středohoří. These are mainly sites that are part of the European Natura 2000 network (the Project includes Sites of Community Importance (SCI) - Bílé stráně u Litoměřic, Borečský vrch, Holý vrch u Hlinné, Košťálov, Lipská hora, Lovoš, Milešovka, Porta Bohemica, Radobýl). These sites are complemented by smaller areas, so-called stepping stones (Bílé stráně pod Košťálovem, Bílé stráně pod Lipskou horou, Bílé stráně pod Radobýlem, Dolní Zálezly, Kočka, Kostelní vrch, Ledvinův vršek, Líska, Sady u Blešna, Stráně pod Lovošem), which enable interconnection of individual SCI.



Planned activities